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Quality Policy


NCML LABS Quality Policy

National  Commodities  Management  Services  Limited  (NCML  LABS)  is  committed  to meet the customer and the applicable regulatory requirements in its analytical services through  developing  human  resources

National  Commodities  Management  Services  Limited  (NCML  LABS)  is  committed  to meet the customer and the applicable regulatory requirements in its analytical services through  developing  human  resources,  applying  the  best  technologies,  making  the laboratory  personnel familiarise  with the  quality documentation  and  to implement  the policies and procedures in their work, continually improving quality management system and processes to comply with the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard.

All NCML LABS   staff shall act impanially  and shall not allow financial, commercial or other pressures to compromise their impartiality and have been instructed to report any situations that might result   in threats to impartiality. NCML consistently provide quality testing services that conform to customer and regulatory requirements.

Quality Objectives :-

In pursuance of the above Quality Policy the following Quality Objectives have been established:

  •   Organizing at least two days of training per year for technical personnel.
  •   Receive customer feedback, analyze, consider and respond to the feedback as part of the review of the Management  System.
  •   Implementing quality checks to ensure accuracy and the reliability of test results.
  •   Updation of test methods and building test suites as per customer requirements.
  •   Achieving Turn-around -time up to 96%.
  •   Take actions to respond to any threats to our impartiality arising from any external actions
  •   Fulfill the requirements of the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Number of NCML Labs
Number of NCML Labs