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Is your Rice Fortified? We @NCMLLABS can help you with fortification check and label claims

Is your Rice Fortified? We @NCMLLABS can help you with fortification check and label claims

Is your Rice Fortified? We @NCMLLABS can help you with fortification check and label claims

Is your Rice Fortified? We @NCMLLABS can help you with fortification check and label claims

Is your Rice Fortified? We @NCMLLABS can help you with fortification check and label claims!

Food Fortification implies to the enrichment of food with added vitamins & nutrients. Adding micronutrients to common staple & packaged foods significantly improves the nutritional quality of the food supply.
 Parameters we can test for your Fortified Rice :
Iron  | Vitamin B 12 | Folic Acid | Contaminants | Toxins | Residues | Proximate analysis
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